Solaris @SITE

SITE Update 2020 On-Air – International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics.
Initial experience in complex cases with SOLARIS self expanding cover stent
Nilo J. Mosquera, MD, phD – Chief of Vascular service, Santiago de Compostela University Hospital, Spain.

Webinar Comemorativo – QFR / Inspiron® – Marca CE

A Scitech realizou no dia 21 de agosto um webinar em comemoração a aprovação da marca CE do Stent INSPIRON®.

Durante o evento foi apresentado atualizações científicas e os resultados dos estudos em andamento sobre o stent farmacológico Inspiron. A programação também levantou a discussão entre os médicos sobre a aplicação do QFR na prática clínica.

INSPIRON Coronary Sirolimus Eluting Stent from SCITECH Medical received CE Mark approval.

INSPIRON Coronary Sirolimus Eluting Stent from SCITECH Medical received CE Mark approval.

INSPIRON is a 3rd generation Drug Eluting Stent designed to create a fast and homogeneous endothelialization. Its design, material (CoCr), thin struts (75 μm) and delivery system gives it good navigability, flexibility, good crossover profile, moderate radiopacity and high balloon rupture pressure. Its abluminal coating is composed of a mixture of PLA and PLGA polymers and a low Sirolimus dosage resulting in a moderate drug elution profile (60% in 10 days and 100% in 45 days), complete coating degradation between 6 and 9 months and in a fast and homogeneous endothelialization.