203698e-en/R08 Manifold Trilingue – R08 – 08/18
ANVISA 10413960013
Scitech Manifold is a plastic device with lateral ramifications and an entrance and exlt in proximal and distal ends. ln each ramification there is an open/close register.
The following precautions are applied in use for all Scitech Manttolds:
- AII Scitech Manifolds are supplied STERILE; Sterilized by ethylene oxide process;
- DO NOT USE the device tt lhe packaging has been opened or damaged;
- Store Scltech Manifold in a cool and dry place. DO NDT expose to organic solvent or ionozing radiation. DO NOT autoclave.
- DO NOT use afterthe «Use by» date indicated on lhe label;
- Alter use or expiration date, this device must be disposed according to lhe country policies for such kind of residue.
- Consider the following precautions to preveni or reduce risk oi coagulum formation:
- Use oi systemic anticoagulants;
- Before using, wash the lumen oi lhe Manifold wlth an appropriated solution to remove air oi lhe system. When in use, keep lhe Manifold full oi appropriate solution forwashing.
- To remove air of the canais, wash Manifolds using normal saline solution (physiological serum).
- Keep the port closed when it is no! in use.
- Be sure that lhe air has been removed to lhe system before starting the procedure.
Scitech Produtos Médicos Ltda.
Fone: +55 (62) 3625-5000 – Fax: + 55 (62) 3625-5012
Autorização de Funcionamento pela ANVISA: 1.041.396
CNPJ: 01.437.707/0001-22
Responsável Técnico: Raphael Ribeiro Pimenta – CRF-GO 6792