Electronic Instructions For Use (eIFU)


203698e-en/R08 Manifold Trilingue – R08 – 08/18


ANVISA 10413960013



Scitech Manifold is a plastic device with lateral ramifications and an entrance and exlt in proximal and distal ends. ln each ramification there is an open/close register.



The following precautions are applied in use for all Scitech Manttolds:

  • AII Scitech Manifolds are supplied STERILE; Sterilized by ethylene oxide process;
  • DO NOT USE the device tt lhe packaging has been opened or damaged;
  • Store Scltech Manifold in a cool and dry place. DO NDT expose to organic solvent or ionozing radiation. DO NOT autoclave.
  • DO NOT use afterthe «Use by» date indicated on lhe label;
  • Alter use or expiration date, this device must be disposed according to lhe country policies for such kind of residue.
  • Consider the following precautions to preveni or reduce risk oi coagulum formation:
  • Use oi systemic anticoagulants;
  • Before using, wash the lumen oi lhe Manifold wlth an appropriated solution to remove air oi lhe system. When in use, keep lhe Manifold full oi appropriate solution forwashing.



  1. To remove air of the canais, wash Manifolds using normal saline solution (physiological serum).
  2. Keep the port closed when it is no! in use.
  3. Be sure that lhe air has been removed to lhe system before starting the procedure.


Scitech Produtos Médicos Ltda.

Fone: +55 (62) 3625-5000 – Fax: + 55 (62) 3625-5012
Autorização de Funcionamento pela ANVISA: 1.041.396
CNPJ: 01.437.707/0001-22
Responsável Técnico: Raphael Ribeiro Pimenta – CRF-GO 6792